Electrician Sunshine Coast​

Your Residential Electrician on the Sunshine Coast​

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Our licensed residential electricians

Custom Electrical Solutions

Closeup of electrician engineer works — Residential Electrician in Buderim, QLD

Working to your schedule, our team will keep you regularly updated throughout the project, with electrical work that’s 100% tailored to your needs. Lighting, power, smart wiring—whatever you need at your new home or renovation, you can count on us to get the job done. 

Closeup of electrician engineer works — Residential Electrician in Buderim, QLD

Upgrade the TV and data services

TV & Data

Worker inserts connector of a TV — Residential Electrician in Buderim, QLD

If you want to upgrade the TV and data services at your home on the Sunshine Coast, talk to our licensed team. We provide installation, repairs and maintenance for TV antennas, recess power and TV points, data cabling and more. From booster replacements to LAN upgrades—Robbie McDonald Electrical has you covered. 

Worker inserts connector of a TV — Residential Electrician in Buderim, QLD

We can upgrade your meter board

Meter Board Upgrades

The circuit breaker board — Residential Electrician in Buderim, QLD

We can upgrade your meter board and install safety switches on all your electrical circuits. Take advantage of the full value of electricity generated by your system with customised electrical solutions you can depend on. With a bi-meter changeover, you can view the amount of power you are exporting to the grid!

The circuit breaker board — Residential Electrician in Buderim, QLD

Frequently Asked Questions

There are numerous ways to improve the lighting in your home. For example, you may wish to switch to a smart lighting system, add motion sensor lighting, switch to LED bulbs or install dimmer switches.

Three of the most common styles of lighting used within a home include ambient lighting, task lighting and accent lighting.

There is no set order in which you need to renovate a house, as it depends on the renovation work you need to complete. In general, however, any demolition and structural work should be completed first, then electrical and plumbing services, and painting and decorating processes last.

The time it takes to change an electric meter can vary. For small electric meters, the service can take as little as 1.5 hours.

Electricity meters should be changed periodically depending on when the meter was certified. Your electricity provider should notify you when it is time to change your meter, but this is not always the case. If you are in doubt about when to change your electricity meter, contact an electrician.

A smart meter can provide real-time updates of your energy usage, making it easier for a homeowner or business to stay on top of their energy bills and environmental impact.